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Jennifer Krueger

Contact Jennifer for sales coaching today!

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Our Curious Saleswoman

Hello Salespeople! 


I’m Jennifer Krueger, and I’m the owner of The Curious Salesperson. 


The Curious Salesperson is an online sales training company that inspires and educates salespeople (like you!) to tap into your natural curiosity so that you can have more genuine and focused conversations with prospects and clients. 


I work with up to 250 salespeople per week in multiple industries such as nuclear power, financial services, software-as-a-service, manufacturing, mining, aeronautics, consulting, building materials and more. 


As a salesperson for 19 years and entrepreneur, I realized I have a knack for helping salespeople who want to over-achieve their goals. 


I’ve worked in four countries; for large organizations and small start-ups, including starting the Canadian division of an employee health program from scratch and leading the sales team into a multi-million-dollar business. 


You’ll hear real-life examples, experience and humour to help you become The Curious Salesperson you were meant to be: genuine, focused, successful. 


I’ve got a Bachelor of Arts Honours in Political Science, as well as a degree in Adult Learning and Development and live near Toronto, Canada (so listen for that Canadian accent!). 


My motto for The Curious Salesperson is from Nobel prize winning poet William Butler Yeats – “Education is not  the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire!”

Become a Curious Salesperson. Sign up now!

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