Our Curious Saleswoman.
Hello, my wonderful salesperson!
I’m Jennifer Krueger and I believe…
You Were Made to Sell Better.
What do I mean by that?
I believe that salespeople underestimate themselves.
I’ve been in Sales for over 22 years, including as a Sales Leader, and I now train and coach up to 250 salespeople per week in multiple industries.
Sales IS tough.
Most sales people didn’t mean to go into Sales.
We loved the industry, the product, the technology and/or the service. Maybe it was meant to be a first job.
And yet we stayed.
Each day and week is different. We help businesses. We laugh with people. We spend time agonizing over weird details our customers don’t notice, but we know matter.
However, being a salesperson is TOUGH.

Jenn's a coach.
I KNOW the ups and downs.
The happiness of exceeding targets. The guilt of missing quota. The joy of a commission larger than your annual salary. Yumm.
I have a knack for bolstering salespeople who want to over-achieve their goals.
It’s not through scripts or formulas or manipulative negotiating, it’s by getting you to be…CURIOUS.
Genuine, professional, thoughtful, well-prepared…YOU.
The Curious Salesperson.
When you re-ignite your natural Curiosity, you seek to better understand how and why your prospects and client BUY, so you:
Research customers and prospects more,
Ask better questions more often in conversations
Enjoy what you do even more!
Genuine Jenn.
Just a warning: I’m not for everyone. I’m a bit blunt. Too much of a cheerleader.
I think you make more money when you’re a kind and caring person…with an honest edge.
And I love salespeople.
How we interact with people determines what goes into our bank accounts.
My dream is this: what if a meeting with you- The Curious Salesperson- turns out to be the most useful and energizing part of someone’s day?
You both walk away fueled with clarity and connection.
Together, let’s change how the world views Salespeople and keep more wonderful people in sales roles.
You Were Made to Sell Better.

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Download the Three Reasons Your Customers Don’t Respond (and what to do about it.)
Also, you can join Jennifer Live Online in Sales Workshops.
Virtual. Self-serve. All-encompassing.
Join The Curious Salesperson Course.
The program is delivered through a combination of video, Live Online Group calls, and worksheet materials. Download and complete the course at your own pace.
Get inspired. Ponder.
Read the latest in sales research, new sales thinking and more. We’ve debated calling the Blog 'Jenn’s Sales Rants and Cheers'. The posts are well-researched and digestable.