There are three stumbling blocks that keep salespeople from being their very best.
Stumbling Block #1 is:
Salespeople think we have to be the most gregarious, talkative person in the room.
Great salespeople love networking events. Our laugh is probably the loudest.
It’s true that to be good at sales, you have to like people. So if you are naturally gregarious and love a good networking event- you be you!
However, quiet, thoughtful people who ask great questions of others do just fine in this business of selling too.
You can talk to one or two people at a networking event and it can turn into a sales success.
Stumbling Block #2 is:
Many salespeople believe it’s their job to present information first in order to convince someone to buy.
The thing is: sales is not a one-way conversation.
Customers are well-informed now.
Our prospect might be days or weeks down the decision-making path before calling us.
Even if we made the initial contact, our prospects have likely done SOME research between that first touchpoint and the next time they’ve agreed to meet with us.
Your prospects and customers need the stuff that isn’t on your website…your experience and expertise for their particular situation.
The job of the salesperson is to discover and augment the current customer situation to what is possible with your product or service.
Stumbling Block #3.
Salespeople lack confidence and belief in themselves.
I’m actually seeing LESS confident salespeople in the current marketplace than ever before in my 22 years’ of experience.
I’m not talking about fake bravado. There’s always lots of that to go around.
I’m talking true confidence: it comes from loving what you sell and delighting in helping customers.
Look-there are two things in society working against us:
Society’s view of Salespeople still remains largely negative after all these years, so even salespeople take a new sales roles believing there is a “Sales-y” persona or a way to behave.
We don’t have great Sales role models: there aren’t a multitude of stories of genuine, interested, fun and calm sales professionals (who still hit quota.)
They’re out there if you look hard enough.
You can be one of them.
I’m working on changing how society views salespeople, starting with how salespeople view themselves.
So, my wonderful salespeople, make sure that you remove the 3 Stumbling Blocks from your sales success and remind yourself:
You don’t have to be outgoing. (If you are, use it!)
You DO have to be the most professional and genuine version of yourself as you sell, because that’s who customers want to speak with.
It’s OK to ask questions first and present later.
True confidence is knowing how your stuff fits with their stuff.
Your job in sales is to find out what the customer has in mind, and then provide additional information, wisdom and ideas that both challenge and/or match what the customer thinks will work.
You CAN be a really great person who ALSO happens to “Be In Sales:" as in, people will know you’re “In Sales” and still invite you on the bike ride anyway.
You Were Made to Sell Better.